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DESIGN & Finance

Fashion, Design and Finance? All three!


Notary public, ordained minister with double master's,  and Ph.D., candidate!




about me.

Hi! Welcome to Alea!

I AM Alea, and I have a really kool name that God gave me (my dad prayed and asked God what he should name me). I Love life, JESUS and all things clean, white, beautiful and pink! I am thankful, and I hope you are enjoying your day because you are greatly LOVED.


My passion for learning is evident by a sagacious desire to learn the piano and the violin; am a Ph.D., student,  ordained minister, notary, and President of my own non-profit! God told me that I can be anyone that I wanted to be. With His help and His alone, I can do ANYTHING, and am the BEST at everything! Yes! All things are possible to him that believes.


Again, I LOVE Jesus, radiance, being at home, reading and rollerskating. I am thankful for the life God gave me - which is due to God's wisdom to make right choices and decisions. Remember, you are not replaceable. 


I love you! Thanks for stopping by. xo

Marble Surface


Remember: take your concerns vertically (to Jesus first) before horizontally (others).

Jesus has all the answers!


Thank you!

Thanks for your message! How Wonderful! xo Have a lovely day. 

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